Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Video that I done at Boularderie C@P

Hello everyone,

As you seen in previous posts this year I had a chance to work at the Boularderie C@P Site that is located at Boularderie Elementary. So during my time we did weekly cyber camps that were held every tuesday and thursday. So last week was our last Cyber Camp of the Year :-( and with that I made a final video to show some activities that we done over July and August. Enjoy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Days are winding down at VCCAPS

Hello everyone,

WOW,where does the time go, it still seems like yesterday that we were celebrating Canada Day! With the summer day quickly passing by, the end of my work term with VCCAPS is quickly approaching August 26th to be exact. So before my time ends with VCCAPS this summer. I wanted to say a few things that really made my summer, 1)Finding work this summer at VCCAPS 2)Learning alot new experiences.During my time working for this organization I had great learning experiences like working cyber camps every tuesday and thursdays,for those wondering the meaning of cyber camps were for kids aged 5-12 to come for 3 hours and do various activities like computer time, crafts and gymtime. During my time I worked with alot of great people and got meet some great kids and get to know people within my community.

Also another great experience was getting re-introduced to things that i've done in my past like video taking and editing. If you look at my previous entries i've posted some videos of the kids of Boularderie School doing mini plays and getting educated on the wildlife of boularderie. I had to learn to take those raw videos and learn what would be interesting to the person and what to put in and what to leave out, where to put in music and where to leave it out.
Well I guess its time to wrap up my blog for today, so I like to thank you all for reading. So have a great day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Saturday I was in Pork Chop Heaven!

Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in previous entries on my blog about the upcoming Pork Chop bbq at Ross Ferry. Well Folks I had a chance to attend this delicious and fun filled event over the weekend and here are some pictures that I like to show you.

Above is the ticket to the event,and I really liked the color and detail that the Volunteer Fire Deptartment really put into this.

This image is pretty self explainitory, it a close up of my chop with the additional fixens. Also look at the size of that chop, its like a mini roast.

Finally, this is me giving the thumbs up on this yearly annual treat.

So, hopefully after seeing my pictures that you will be sold on going to the next porkchop dinner in 2012. I guarntee its worth the money and the drive.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

This Saturday a great event is happening

Hello everyone,

I know that i've mentioned this in a previous blog about the Ross Ferry volunteer Firehall's annual porkchop bbq, well folks the day for the special event is almost here this saturday August 13th. So I suggest that if you can get tickets for this event you defintely should because its definately worth the time and money.So to get more information on where to pick up tickets and time of the events please call 674-2870.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cyber Camps at Boularderie Island C@P

Hello everyone,

This summer I got hired onto work at a C@P Site (VCCAPS)here in Boularderie,and during my time here we do weekly cyber camps for kids aged 5-12 yeats of age. You maybe wondering what are cyber camps exactly. Cyber Camps are mini camps we have for kids every tuesday and thursday during summer break. Our activities usually involve computer,crafts and gym. As well we have different themes every week like Internet Safety and Wildlife in Boularderie. So what we is make mini movies using our video camera and film the kids doing mini plays or having some very special guests come into visit us. So right now I like to share some of the funtimes we have during cyber camp. Enjoy!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Alot of interesting finds on Boularderie using google.

Hello everyone,

Since I started this blog in July, I have been looking through my old photo album and also taking new pictures (when its not raining), to capture the interest not only to my fellow Boularderie folk, but to people who have never been to our precious island. So right now working at a C@P site and learning so much about the place I call home, I decided to see what results would come up using google, and upon searching I had no idea that so many results will come up. So here are some great links that I hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

As promised some pics from P.E.I

Hello everyone,

As some of you know last week during the long weekend I went to the lovely Prince Edward Island, and even though for a few days it was raining and cloudy, I manged to get some pics with my very lovely Samsung digital camera.

This first picture is of the lovely Confideration Bridge, this is perhaps one of the many lovely attractions on the Island. Also this bridge in particular always means alot to me while i'm crossing it because I had a chance to walk this bridge a few times during the first few years this bridge opened.

This picture might seem odd to some, and asking why is there quilts on the ceiling well I was wondering that myself, however as the the place it was taken this was at the Island Preserve Company in New Glascow P.E.I also may I say there ham and gouda sandwich was amazing along with there carrot cake desert. Here is a link to check out the menu and alittle bit more about the place itself

Finally, this picture comes from my personal collection as I like to take funny pictures, so here are some fun and interesting pictures, also taken at the Island Preserve Company.